Pop's Pretzels

My Great Grandpop always shared his pretzels with me.

One of the last times I saw him he told me that he wouldn’t be at his house the next time I came to visit Grandma, but that the pretzels would still be there. I told him that I loved him.

Three weeks ago Grandpop went to heaven, so Grandma gave me his box of pretzels.

I miss him.


Assateague Island

Me and bro bro and sissy had lots of fun at the beach last week.
They didn't even bury me in the sand this year.

Going To Assateague Island

I had to test out my swimsuit and I must say I think pink is my color.

We're going to Assateague Island tomorrow, and I'm going to see lots of ponies and deer and build sandcastles and go in the ocean and fly our kite and roast marshmallows, and sleep on my big air bed in the camper and go on lots of bike rides and have ice cream cake on brobro and sissy's birthday and....uh, oh, I forgot to get them a present.
I'm only three, maybe a hug and kiss will still do....



Daddy Playing Guitar at the Fair

Daddy played guitar at the Allentown Fair on Thursday and Friday.

I got to dance alot.

I like to dance.


My New Bike

This is my new BIG GIRL BIKE!!!

Cool, huh?

There's even a place for Barbie to ride along with me....although I don't have a Barbie, so I had to borrow one of sissy's.



Eagles Training Camp

We went to watch a bunch of big people fall down the other morning….I think mommy called it Eagles Training Camp.

I was excited. I thought I was going to see lots of birds learning to fly or something, but they weren’t birds, and when I asked mom why the boys kept falling down she just said it was part of the football game.

Ok. Whatever.

So I suppose it's a pretty big deal, because there were lots of old people there (like mom and dad), but since I had to get up early, it was really hot, and mommy didn’t even get me anything to eat...it’s not exactly up there on my list of favorite things to do.

Mommy's Birthday and the Iron Pigs

Mommy’s 42nd birthday was the other day.

Oops, I bet she didn’t want me to say that. Ha! That’s payback for not letting me have one of pappy’s chocolate covered cherries today….she’ll learn.

So anyway, we went to an Iron Pigs baseball game and I got French fries and Italian ice and almost got hit by a fly ball and watched fireworks and danced around a lot yelling “Let’s Go Pigs!”

It was fun.

Oh yeah, and Happy Belated 42nd Birthday Mom! Ha ha.


Church Camp for Bro Bro and Sissy

Bro bro and sissy came back from church camp on Saturday, and I was really happy to see them….but then MY mommy started playing with them and she wasn’t paying as much attention to me and I had to share my toys again…
So I’m kinda hoping they go back soon.

Luvff, Alexandra

Candyland with a Chicken

Have you ever tried playing Candy Land with a chicken? Well just in case you were thinking about it, let me tell you, they’re not very good at it. She kept stepping on the cards and pecking at the pieces.

Maybe it’s just because she’s only a few days old. Maybe an older chicken would be better at playing games.

I’d like to try and see, but mom says that the bigger chickens can’t come in the house.... AND she won’t even let me take the Candy Land game outside to play with them in their coop.


I hope you're having a good day.


Best Birthday Present

Look what I got for my birthday from Dabaw and Poppi.
It’s Snow Whites cottage…pretty cool, huh?
See the pictures of her and the dwarves on it….although we don’t have pictures of us on our house, so that’s kinda odd…

But it’s really neat and I”ve been playing it in every day and having picnics in it with sissy and bro bro (well not so much bro bro, just once).

Plus it makes a great hide out when I don’t want to be found...although mom doesn't like that so much.


3rd Birthday Party

I had my birthday party yesterday....and although bro bro and sissy got a bit too 'huggy', I just have to ask, "Why don't we do that more often?"

There was presents and cake and ice cream and presents, and playing and lots of attention for me and food, and did I mention presents.

And mom made me my annual birthday kitty dress with the fabric I picked out at the store, and she made me a kitty cake with lots of Littlest Pet Shop kitties on it... I love those things. My cousins have a whole ton of them and I always play with them when I visit, but until yesterday I never had any....and now I have 8!...because there were 6 on my cake and my Aunt Roo Roo and Uncle Harold got me some too.

Yeah! I'm excited just thinking about it. I love birthdays.


I'm 3 Today!

I’m three today!

A big deal according to mom and dad, although, I don’t feel any different.

And bro bro says I don’t look any different, and that I still sound the same.
But mom seems a bit traumatized by the whole thing. She keeps saying that I’m so big now and she has to stop calling me her baby.

I know I say it all the time…but mom is just weird.

The best part of the whole thing is I get ice cream cake and presents….and bro bro and sissy both think they’re getting cake, but I already told them no. It’s mine. My birthday. My cake. Happy Birthday to me!


Dat Goes to Work

Me and dat had a chat this morning.

I said, “daddy, why are you going to work?”

Dat said, “because it’s Monday.”
…. I forgot what day it was.

So I said to him, “To make money for us to go to Disney World?”

Then he got a funny looked and laughed, and said, “I guess so.”

Then he told mommy and she laughed too.

I don’t get it….what was so funny?
Big people are strange.

Have a fun day!

A Little Toad

Guess what I found in our garden the other day.

A little toad! (although I suppose you already knew that since that's what I titled the post, huh?)

He sure hopped a lot, so sissy helped me catch it and held it for me.

It was kinda cute….but was still a little scary, cuz I never touched a toad before.
But I did hold him myself for a little bit…and I even let it sit in my lap.

Mom said I’m very brave because bro bro wouldn’t get within 5 feet of a toad when he was my age, but I'm like my sissy and I'm not scared of nuthin.


Cereal Boxes

So I was sitting eating my cereal the other morning, and bro bro left the cereal box on the table and I started looking at it.

Did you ever take notice to all the neat stuff on a cereal box?

They’re like really cool, and I should point out educational….mom likes educational things….
In just the past few days alone I’ve learned that astronauts need to be strapped in to sleep when they’re in space, and that Fiber One cereal says ‘no cardboard, yes delicious’, which I guess means it’s not made of cardboard…which I didn’t really think it was…I mean, I’m not sure what cereal is made of, but I was kinda certain it wasn’t like the boxes I keep my toys in.
And I really want to see the new Toy Story movie, cuz there were neat pictures on my box this morning, and I gotta try making rice krispy treats….the recipe is right on the box you know.

Check it out for yourself tomorrow at breakfast, and let me know what you find out.



Warning. Do Not Throw Water Balls in the Bathroom.

Water Balls are these things that soak up water and apparently (according to mom) are made for in a pool outside….not for in the bathroom.

Seems to me the bathroom would be fine since it is made for water and all, but you’ll have to trust me on this, mom was really…really mad.

Oh, and don’t worry about me. I learned this lesson the easy way. Bro bro and sissy they learned the hard way.

They were throwing these around mom and dad’s bathroom yesterday when mom and I walked in and the walls, mirror and door were soaked.
Did I mention, mom was not happy.

So again, let me repeat. Please, Do Not throw these in the house, mom's don't like it.
(although I have to tell you, it looked really fun.)


I'm Back!

You would think that with movie star good looks like this, a girl could get away with messing up mom's computer a few times....
but alas, I think my mom is becoming immune to my cuteness (if that's possible).

She wouldn't let me on the computer for a while for pushing too many buttons and reconfiguring some things. (I think she's just jealous because I can figure out stuff on the computer that she can't do).

The good news is that I'm allowed on the computer again, and I promised mom I'd be good this time, so keep coming back!


My Favorite Ride at Disney

Dumbo of course.

Could there be anything better than a flying elephant? Really.

Have you ever been on this ride? It’s great. You go flying up in the air…in an elephant no less, and you can even make it go up and down. (although mom wouldn’t let me do that part, she was hogging the control.)

It was just like in the movie (the movie Dumbo you know). Except that we were sitting in the elephant, and it was attached to a big spinny thing in the center, and there were like 15 different Dumbos....and I couldn't figure out who was the real one. But it was really cool anyway...

My only dissapointment was mom wouldn't let me go on it again since it had a 30 minute line. But the silver lining to the story is that at Animal Kingdom they had a ride with a flying dinosaur that was almost as neat as Dumbo and I got to go on that twice!

I love Disney World.

My Trip to Disney World

So I really did plan to post a lot more while I was hanging out with my new friends Mickey, and Minnie and the gang, but I couldn’t, because,…well… to put it bluntly, mom and dad were too cheap to pay the $10 each day to have internet access in our room.

That and they said I was too tired and miserable each day to sit up writing and posting photos, but what do they know, I was fine. A few little screaming fits each day at the parks and I get tagged as overtired and miserable….Huh!

But anyway, I want to apologize, and I‘ll make up for it the next few days telling you about some of my favorite stuff at the Land of the Mouse.

I’ll start with my favorite part, meeting Mickey and everyone.

Now you’ll notice in some of the photos I may look a little hesitant to meet some of the gang. First let me say, I was NOT scared like brother said I was, it’s just that Mickey and Minnie and Goofy are a lot bigger in person than they look on tv, so it took me a few minutes to adjust to that.

And yes, I admit, I did keep an eye on them and didn’t look at the camera in a lot of pictures, but that’s just because I was in awe of them….NOT because I was afraid.

Goofy was my favorite, and I actually got to meet him twice. And I got to meet Thumper and his girlfriend, and I have to tell you they were a whole lot bigger than the bunnies I have at home.

Then there was Chicken Dale, Chip and Dale as mom calls them, they were nice.

and I wasn’t getting near this guy….not sure who he was, but the twins said he was ok.
We also saw some princesses and Donald Duck but they were lots and lots of people getting their pictures with them, and mom and dad said we didn't have time to wait....but at least I got my picture with Minnie, Mickey and Goofy...I'm gonna hang them up in my room and get to see them every day!

I'm in Florida

I'll be the first to admit, I was not the best traveling companion on the second day of our trip to Florida.
Hey, I'm two, and when mom says we're going to Disney today, I expect to get there today.....not two days and eighteen hours of driving later.

So I did complain a little....

Ok, I complained quite a bit in the last 6 hours of the drive, and by complained, I mean whined and cried and said I wanted to go home, because that's what you do when you're two and unhappy....right?

But, we did eventually get to Florida, and I had mom take a picture by the sign to prove it. See.

And then we had lots of fun because we got to go on the playground at the hotel, and throw coins in a fountain,
and see birds and ducks and bunnies, and squirrels....

and, oh sure, we can see those things at home, but these are Florida animals.

Going to Disney World

We’re going to Disney World today!

Although mom said something about not actually getting to Disney today, but tomorrow. Something about an 18 hour car ride, and she kinda looked a little stressed then.

Huh. I wonder what that was all about.

Helping Mom Sew

I love helping mommy with everything, and she always says what a very big help I am….so I know that she appreciates it.

Like yesterday, I was helping her with her sewing.
You can see I was helping to choose the fabric and then spread it out for her to make sure it was all good and draped well.

So if you need any help at your house, I’m available. I also do sweeping, dishes, baking and painting, for a small fee of course….ice cream with cool whip is fine.
