My Trip to Disney World

So I really did plan to post a lot more while I was hanging out with my new friends Mickey, and Minnie and the gang, but I couldn’t, because,…well… to put it bluntly, mom and dad were too cheap to pay the $10 each day to have internet access in our room.

That and they said I was too tired and miserable each day to sit up writing and posting photos, but what do they know, I was fine. A few little screaming fits each day at the parks and I get tagged as overtired and miserable….Huh!

But anyway, I want to apologize, and I‘ll make up for it the next few days telling you about some of my favorite stuff at the Land of the Mouse.

I’ll start with my favorite part, meeting Mickey and everyone.

Now you’ll notice in some of the photos I may look a little hesitant to meet some of the gang. First let me say, I was NOT scared like brother said I was, it’s just that Mickey and Minnie and Goofy are a lot bigger in person than they look on tv, so it took me a few minutes to adjust to that.

And yes, I admit, I did keep an eye on them and didn’t look at the camera in a lot of pictures, but that’s just because I was in awe of them….NOT because I was afraid.

Goofy was my favorite, and I actually got to meet him twice. And I got to meet Thumper and his girlfriend, and I have to tell you they were a whole lot bigger than the bunnies I have at home.

Then there was Chicken Dale, Chip and Dale as mom calls them, they were nice.

and I wasn’t getting near this guy….not sure who he was, but the twins said he was ok.
We also saw some princesses and Donald Duck but they were lots and lots of people getting their pictures with them, and mom and dad said we didn't have time to wait....but at least I got my picture with Minnie, Mickey and Goofy...I'm gonna hang them up in my room and get to see them every day!


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